HPC Tools

HPC Tools

OCHA’s HPC.tools are online platforms that enable humanitarian community to structure and manage information around the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC).  These tools consist of four unique platforms.

HPC Data Management Tools:

  • The Response, Planning and Monitoring Module (RPM): is at the heart of HPC.tools, managing the plan framework for each tracked humanitarian response plan. This is where humanitarian profile data is stored, at both national and cluster levels, as well as the objectives, indicators and targets making up the results framework. RPM includes a monitoring component, allowing the submission of data on people reached with aid and other progress against objective and activity indicators. More guidance are available here

  • The Project Module (PM): piloted in in Chad and Libya in 2017 and deployed globally in 2018, replaces the venerable Online Projects System (OPS) and facilitates the appeal costing process, by allowing project owners to submit project proposals for vetting by clusters and inclusion in humanitarian response plans. Projects can be linked to the caseloads and results frameworks established in RPM, and form the basis for operational presence maps in Humanitarian Action. More guidance are available here

HPC Data Analysis Tools:

  • The Bridge Tools are analytical tools designed to leverage HPC data and can be customized to suit various contexts. The bridge tools play a crucial role not only in facilitating efficient planning, monitoring, and advocacy efforts. They establish a clear connection between needs, activities, and projects, ensuring there are no overlaps or surpluses. By aligning prioritized actions with priority needs and minimizing gaps, these tools provide justification for HRP funding requirements. In cases where security permits and partners agree, there is an opportunity to release a public or semi-public version of the tools. This would showcase the HPC’s commitment to efficient and effective planning and monitoring mechanisms. We strongly encourage the utilization of these tools in all HRP countries. Their implementation will greatly contribute to improved outcomes and successful humanitarian Humanitarian Action response. More guidance are available here

  • The JIAF 2.0 Analysis Platform is where analysts upload and organize information related to the humanitarian context and needs in their country of operations, interpret data through interactive visualizations, and complete workspaces. The Analysis Platform is accessible here

HPC Public-facing Websites:

  • Humanitarian Action provides a comprehensive overview of the humanitarian landscape by merging two platforms – the former stand-alone Humanitarian Insight and the Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO). The annual GHO – produced by OCHA on behalf of the humanitarian community – provides an analysis of the drivers of needs and an overview of the resources required to support people targeted for assistance. Humanitarian Action also serves as the publication platform for planning, monitoring and financial tracking data managed in HPC.tools. It allows users to benefit from dynamic data that is updated throughout the year, as country teams update their needs analysis and response plans.

  • Financial Tracking Service (FTS) has tracked, curated and published authoritative humanitarian financing data for over 25 years, with a focus on internationally coordinated appeals and response plans.

Organizations Registration and the Grand Bargain Classification:

  • This guidance provides comprehensive instructions for registering and classifying organizations involved in humanitarian aid using OCHA’s tools and processes. Based on the Grand Bargain localization marker definitions, it supports OCHA staff in accurately identifying and categorizing organizations for the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) and guides submissions to the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPF). The guidance is accessible here.

These HPC suite of tools provide comprehensive support for all aspects of HPC. From identifying needs to strategic planning, cluster-level coordination, and project monitoring, our modular and adaptable services facilitate effective data management and collaboration.

By establishing explicit connections between needs, plans, results, activities, projects, and funding, these tools enhance decision-making for all partners. They enable OCHA to deliver accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information to global stakeholders, including donors, agencies, implementers, and affected communities.

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