Humanitarian response plans (HRPs) are required for any humanitarian crisis requiring the support of more than one agency and are prepared by humanitarian country teams (HCTs) based on a humanitarian needs overview. This HRP provides the Humanitarian Country Team’s shared understanding of the crisis, including the most pressing humanitarian needs, and reflects its joint humanitarian response planning.
IM Input/Task
Lead in data collection/assessment, support in data analysis, and provide graphs, maps and figures
Focal Point
Produced twice a year to support the HCT in developing a shared understanding of the impact and evolution of a crisis and to inform response planning.
Ideally, the OCHA office should have a timeline or work plan for the entire HPC with clear deadlines and responsibilities.
HumanitarianResponse.info, e-mail, print, MailChimp, Reliefweb
HCT, Cluster member agencies, Government, I/NGOs, Donors, CSOs, HQ
Data Sources
Clusters, HCT members and organizations, I/NGOs, government agencies, FTS