Humanitarian Response (HumanitarianResponse.info) is a specialised digital service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) provided to the humanitarian community as part of OCHA's responsibility under the Inter-Agency Standing Committee's Operational Guidance on Responsibilities of Cluster/Sectors & OCHA in Information Management.
It is the primary dissemination mechanism for information related to a humanitarian response with in-country operational responders as the primary audience. There are two levels 1) global and 2) operation specific site:
At the global level you have access to:
- Operation sites
- Coordination guidance documentation on:
Humanitarian Leadership
Cluster Approach
- Programme cycle detailed documentation
- Topics include:
Cash Transfer Programmes
Humanitarian//Military Dialogue
- Applications including:
- Humanitarian Data Exchange
- Indicators Registry
- Information Management Toolbox
Kobo Toolbox
At the operational sites you have access to:
- Contacts (links to Humanitarian.id)
- Events (meeting schedule
- Documents
- Maps/Infographics
- Datasets (links to Humanitarian Data Exchange - HDX)
- Sub-Offices
- Assessment Registry
- Cluster Specific pages
- Working Groups
- Funding
- Themes as defined by the country