Humanitarian Response (HumanitarianResponse.info) is a specialised digital service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) provided to the humanitarian community as part of OCHA's responsibility under the Inter-Agency Standing Committee's Operational Guidance on Responsibilities of Cluster/Sectors & OCHA in Information Management.
It is the primary dissemination mechanism for information related to a humanitarian response with in-country operational responders as the primary audience. There are two levels 1) global and 2) operation specific site:
At the global level you have access to:
- Operation sites
- Coordination guidance documentation on:
Humanitarian Leadership
Cluster Approach
- Programme cycle detailed documentation
- Topics
Cash Transfer Programmes
Humanitarian//Military Dialogue
- Applications
- Humanitarian Data Exchange
- Indicators Registry
- Information Management Toolbox
Kobo Toolbox
At the operational sites you have access to:
- Contacts (links to Humanitarian.id)
- Events (meeting schedule)
- Documents
- Maps/Infographics
- Datasets (links to Humanitarian Data Exchange - HDX)
- Sub-Offices
- Assessment Registry
- Cluster Specific pages
- Working Groups
- Funding
- Themes as defined by the country
In a new sudden on-set a site can be activated very quickly (hours) and will normally be initiated to staff in HQ however the site might not be made visible until there is sufficient information on the site to be useful. If there is a need for a site outside of a sudden onset:
- Ask for support from field information support (FIS) in Geneva or send an email to help@humanitarianresponse.info
- Identify the focal point for the site (whomever activates the site needs to be able to regularly update content and provide support to cluster/sector partners)
To deactivate a site:
Once a site is no longer being used or updated the site can be deactivated please contact field information support (FIS) in Geneva or send an email to help@humanitarianresponse.info
HR.info Resources
How to use search