Table of Contents |
Administrative boundary and population statistics COD dashboard
Usability Evaluation Overview
Detailed Evaluation
'Administrative Boundary'
- 'ADM1', 'ADM2', 'ADM3', and 'ADM4': Administrative level 1, 2, 3, and 4 boundaries as 'fully usable' (green dot), 'partly usable' (orange dot), 'needs improvement' (red dot), or 'unavailable' (grey dot).
- 'HDX': availability on HDX (green tick) or unavailability (grey dot)
- 'LIVE': availability of live services (green tick) or unavailability (grey dot)
- 'AB-PS': compatibility of P-codes and records allows linkage between Administrative Boundary polygons and Population Statistics records
'Population Statistics'
- 'ADM1', 'ADM2', 'ADM3', and 'ADM4': Administrative level 1, 2, 3, and 4 population statistics as 'fully usable' (green dot), 'partly usable' (orange dot), 'needs improvement' (red dot), or 'unavailable' (grey dot).
- 'HDX': availability on HDX (green tick) or unavailability (grey dot)
ITOS Live Web Services
Frequently Asked Questions
COD-ABs and COD-PSs are evaluated by FIS should be evaluated according to established criteria to maintain standardized levels of quality.
CODs may be evaluated:
- Informally by country IM teams at any time
- Semi-formally by the country IM every year for the re-endorsement process
- Formally by OCHA FIS when CODs are loaded or re-loaded to HDX. These evaluations are reflected in the COD Dashboard (discussed below).
CODs should be prepared for administrative level 0 (country), administrative level 1, and for additional administrative levels that are available and relevant.
CODs should be evaluated according to the established standard criteria (below) for comparability. FIS uses a numeric scoring algorithm [to be documented later] that computes usability levels for each administrative level and overall. (All administrative level 0 data, and the last evaluation Ecriteria groups ‘Link to COD-PS’ and ‘Link to COD-AB’ do not influence the usability evaluation.)
- Fully usable: The COD can be used for any purpose
- Partly usable: The COD has some problems that may limit its use
- Needs improvement: The COD is only useful for very limited purposes
COD AB Criteria
- Is the COD-AB available on HDX?
- Is the data public on HDX?
- Is the date of the dataset indicated on HDX?
- Is there a short but complete description of the dataset?
- Is the data source clearly indicated and defined on HDX?
- Is there any methodology or comments containing clarified information?
- Is the file tagged as being a COD?
- Is the COD-AB endorsed by IMWG?
- Is the type of license/rights of use defined on the HDX website?
- Are all the COD-AB files grouped as one unique entry on HDX?
- Is there only one file per format per level? (e.g., only one SHP for each level)
- Is the COD-AB attribute table also available as an Excel file on HDX?
- Is the .CPG file present within the zip (when needed : AB names in arabic, russian, french, spanish)?
- Is there a metadata file (txt) present with the COD-AB?
- Is the zip naming convention followed?
- Is the count of polygons different between sources (GDAM, Wikipedia) ? If yes put the number with the source in brackets and some eventual explanation in the comments
- Are there names in all records?
- Do the column names respect the naming convention?
- Are all the names transcripted into latin script when required if other script is local language? (e.g., Latin script name included with Arabic name)
- Is there a specific Excel file containing all the AB level units? (Excel - Gazetteer)
- Do the lower admin boundaries have the higher admin boundaries in the shp ?
- Are there any duplicate names within the level?
- Are there names in all records?
- Do the P-codes incorporate values from higher levels?
- Are there any duplicate P-codes within the level?