P-codes are unique geographic (geo) identification codes, represented by combinations of letters and/or numbers to identify a specific location or feature on a map or within a database. For a specific place, point, or positional locations, the geo-codes have come into common usages as P-codes (abbreviated for Place-Code). These terms can be essentially interchanged as long as one recognizes the focus on “position or place” for P-codes. The There can only be only one p-code per administrative unit. They are also used to provide unique reference codes to refer to settlements or administrative units in other datasets.
A given P-code can be removed (if a settlement or admin unit is removed), but never re-used to represent a different place
Additions to the settlements layer can be made at any time. However, partners should be notified when this is done.
Deletions in the settlements layer or any change to the admin units must be coordinated across the humanitarian community so that all actors switch to new versions of the admin units at the same time.
- P-codes are unique within a country (no duplication of p-codes)
- There can only be only one p-code per administrative unit. (There
- Pcodes in the COD-AB and COD-PS should on a 1:1
- At a minimum, the taxonomy (names and p-codes) should be made available
- Ideally, a P-code is a combination of letters and/or numbers (see image above) but national systems should be adopted. If no alpha code (usually it is ISO 2 letter code) is used nationally, it may need to be added to ensure its uniqueness globally.
- P-code Guidance Process to develop P-codes produced by OCHA, UNHCR, and the International Center for Remote Sensing Education.
- P-code flyer (for advocacy purposes)