Country or territory | Administrative level 0 (ADM0) P-code example | Administrative level 1 (ADM1) P-code example | Administrative level 2 (ADM2) P-code example | Administrative level 3 (ADM3) P-code example | Remarks |
Indonesia | ID | ID94 | ID9433 | ID9433050 | |
Haiti | HT | HT08 | HT0811 | HT 0811-07 | dash is unusual but permitted |
Burundi | BDI | BDI014 | BDI014006 | ADM3 unavailable | three-character ADM0 code is unusual but permitted |
Lebanon | LB | LB6 | LB63 | 62179 | ADM3 P-code contravenes established principles on Country Office insistence |
Azerbaijan | AZ | AZ91100002 | ADM2 unavailable | ADM3 unavailable | ADM2 P-code echoes pre-existing ex-Soviet formulation |
Ukraine | UA | UA46 | UA46115 | UA4611500000 | Three digits are assigned to ADM2 even though the greatest number of ADM2 features in any ADM1 feature is only 50. |
Administrative level 1 (ADM1) P-code example
Administrative level 2 (ADM2) P-code example
Administrative level 3 (ADM3) P-code example
Administrative level 2 (ADM2) P-code example
P-code systems echo the administrative hierarchy such that codes at each administrative level incorporate the all higher administrative level codes, with the lower level codes appended to higher codes. The number of
Administrative level 1 to Administrative level x - Each administrative level receives a numeric code with enough leading zeros to ensure that the occasional addition of new administrative units will not exceed the number of codes available. In the example below, two digits are adequate for administrative levels 1 - 3 (meaning that there are not expected to be more than 99 administration units in any one of these levels). Level 4 can have as many as 999 administrative units.
Incremental Settlement Numbers (if required) - For simplicity of maintenance, it is best to use a single set of incremental numbers across the whole country (rather than within each administrative unit). This has the additional advantage of allowing places to be referred to using only the settlement number without the admin unit codes, making them shorter. Enough digits should be used here to allow for the possibility of new datasets to be added.