OCHA convenes an Information Management Working Group (IMWG), which is an inter-agency working group on information management for humanitarian organizations at the global level. This working group is replicated at the country level , and serves as the forum for strategic and technical discussions and collaboration on information issues relating to humanitarian response and preparedness.
Each information management working group faces context-specific challenges, and must, therefore, develop its own terms of reference in collaboration with all members. The working groups usually focus on the themes of data standards, general information coordination around assessments, Common Operational Datasets, indicators, maps, web platforms, and information sharing protocols.
Working group membership is defined at a country level. Cluster/sector IMOs and IMOs of sub-clusters/sectors and other areas of responsibilities are the most frequent members. Membership can also be encouraged among all members of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC). Government and host nation civil society groups such as national NGOs can be encouraged to participate depending on the agreed terms of reference.
The IMWG may decide to form sub-groups on specific topics, either permanently or on an ad hoc basis. These could include a sub-group on GIS, for example, to focus on Common Operational Datasets (see the page on CODs under the Preparedness section for more details).
The information management working group may choose to create and disseminate the following products:
- Inter-cluster information management coordination structures
- Agreed humanitarian indicators
- Common Operational Datasets
- Data sharing mechanisms and schedules
- Interagency assessment coordination and support
- Maps and visual displays of information
- Contact lists and Who does What, Where products
IASC Operational Guidance on responsibilities of cluster/sector leads and OCHA in information management (2008) - This document will guide IMOs in understanding their roles and responsibilities in an operation , and can be a good starting point for an IMWG to draft its terms of reference, and as an introduction to new members:
Information Management Working Group Terms of References:
Humanitarian Country Team and Inter-Cluster Coordination Group Terms of References
Examples of IMWG and Network Terms of References: