The COD governance is based on a source, a contributor and a guardian. The contributor role may not be required as the source may directly be involved in COD work.
Source: Provides the original data that is used as a COD
- The Source is owner or originator of a dataset. CODs ideally come from national authorities.
- In many cases, the Source will maintain a working relationship with the Contributor to ensure that questions about datasets and metadata are answered and updates and improves are shared
Contributor: Is the interface between the data source(s) and the humanitarian community
- Replaces the term “Sponsor” as it falls in line with HDX terminology
- Responsible for preparing and processing a dataset to meet the quality standards established in the TSP
- Ensures the dataset goes through the COD cycle so it is endorsed by the IM network in country and that improvements to the data are provided back to the Source where appropriate.
- May be responsible for sharing the dataset on HDX (and/or other platforms) with appropriate metadata when possible. (based on IM network COD strategy)
- Maintains awareness of new updates becoming available and known problems in the dataset
- Maintains close relationships to Sources and, if data license is not clear, develops data sharing agreement with the Source.
- Communicates dataset updates to partners via channels established in the TSP.
- Responsible for dealing with multiple data sources if required to merge/process data
- Adding expiration date of COD to metadata
Guardian: Coordinator of CODs and ensures that COD process is followed
- Yes, it was discussed and agreed to at the global level IMWG but it is possible that partners you are working with are not aware of it. To avoid confusion, the COD governance model should be discussed and agreed to in each country/emergency at the beginning of the COD discussion/work plan. If the model does not work for the situation the IM network is facing then changes should be made and agreed to by the group. This impacts the COD agreement that is required (suggested COD agreement template)
3. What happens in these specific scenarios?
In a country with an OCHA country office with IM capacity (e.g. Sudan)
- all partners share their AB datasets and decide on a COD. OCHA should become the Contributor and the Guardian unless another agency has a better relationship with the data sources
In a country with no OCHA presence but high risk (e.g. Sri Lanka) or in a country with an OCHA HAT with no IM capacity (e.g. DPRK)
- The OCHA regional office should check with any agencies or organization already working in the country to identify what they are currently using. The organization that is in country and already has the relationship with the data source should be the Contributor and OCHA can become the Guardian to ensure it is shared and updated appropriately. A close relationship with the data Contributor is required. If a AB dataset is not being used OCHA should check with the global level for activities related to this dataset. If no one at the global level is working on the datasets or it is not appropriate, then OCHA should contact the government (data source) and become the contributor and guardian.
In a country with no OCHA presence but with a partner with strong IM capacity such as UNHCR (e.g. Iran)
- The OCHA regional office should check with the partner agency (e.g. UNHCR) already working in the country to identify what they are currently using. The organization that is in country and already has the relationship with the data source should be the Contributor and OCHA can become the Guardian to ensure it is shared as a COD and updated appropriately. A close relationship with the data Contributor is required. If a AB dataset is not being used OCHA should check with the global level for activities related to this dataset. If no one at the global level is working on the datasets or it is not appropriate, then OCHA should contact the government (data source) and become the contributor and guardian.