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OCHA has many web platforms (probably too many!) Below is a simple guide highlighting the PRIMARY audience and PRIMARY purpose of the sites managed by OCHA on behalf of the humanitarian community and a few that are specifically for OCHA staff.

Links are to external sites however several have more detailed pages in this toolbox. (,, HDX)

MS word document with all sites, March 2018 (if you update this please share!)

Audience: Field level
Purpose: operational level document and information sharing, includes documents, contact lists, meeting schedules, maps and infographics, data, assessment registry, clusters specific pages

Relief Web

Audience: Headquarters level
Purpose: document and information sharing 

Audience: Headquarters level
Purpose: High-level overview of field operations with links to latest products, maps, and infographics, key figures, funding status. 

RedHum - Red de informacion humantaria
Audience: Field level 
Purpose: ofrece información actualizada diariamente, de fuentes oficiales, promoviendo el intercambio de información con actores del mismo sector de trabajo contribuyendo a la toma de decisiones en la gestión de desastres 

Virtual OSOCC - on-site operations coordination centre
Audience: UNDAC and first responders
PurposeInformation exchange and coordination of bilateral assistance in the early phase after major disasters. 

Audience: Field and Headquarters
Purpose: a global, objective and transparent tool for understanding the risk of humanitarian crises. A collaboration of the IASC Task Team for Preparedness and Resilience and the European Commission.

HDX - humanitarian data exchange
Audience: field and technical headquarters
Purpose: an open platform for sharing data related to a humanitarian response - humanitarian ID
Audience: field level
Purpose: for contact management and as a single sign-in for many humanitarian response related platforms 

KoBo Toolbox
Audience: field / operations level
Purpose: a free open-source tool for mobile data collection, available to all. 

Humanitarian Programme Cycle Tools

RPM - Response planning and monitoring
Audience: field level response organizations
Purpose: a module of the HPC tools that facilitates the HPC planning process by collecting periodic monitoring information.

DEEP - Data exploration and extraction platform
Audience: field level and technical HQ 
Purpose: a tool to collect and analyze secondary data from various publications such as websites and PDF reports. 

OPS - on-line planning/project system
Audience: field level responders
Purpose: For organizations in a humanitarian crisis to coordinate their implementation responsibilities and peer-review their funding requests 


FTS - Financial tracking service
Audience: field and HQ
Purpose: a centralized source of curated, continuously updated, fully downloadable data and information on humanitarian funding flow. 

CERF - Central emergency response fund
Audience: field and HQ
Purpose: is a humanitarian fund to promote early action and response to reduce the loss of life, enhance response to time-critical requirements, and strengthen core elements of humanitarian response in underfunded crises 

GMS - Grant Management System
Audience: field and HQ
Purpose: for the management of all Country-based Pooled Funds. 

Internal to OCHA Staff ( email address with login credentials)

Audience: OCHA staff
Purpose: Site for all internal OCHA documents and staff sites (UMOJA, Inspira, LMS) 

Audience: OCHA staff
Purpose: E-performance, work plan, mid-year and end of year reviews

Audience: OCHA staff
Purpose: Travel, time mgt, entitlements, etc.

OCT - contributions tracking systems
Audience: OCHA staff
Purpose: OCT tracks all contributions received from donors to OCHA's annual extra-budget as well as all contributions to 'Specially Designated Contributions'  

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