- mobile-friendly data list+search result page released (Apr 7)
- Data Responsibility for Covid-19 response FAQ released (Apr 9)
- Custom page - related terms can be added as a tag for search purpose (ie. searching "corona", "coronavirus", "covid-19", "covid19" will suggest Covid-19 Pandemic page)
- glossary page + rollover definitions released on centre site
- more locations added to Overview of Data Grid page (total 28 locations)
- COVID appeal viz developed+data available: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/covid-19-global-appeals-and-plans
- released Glossary page+rollover definition for centre site: https://centre.humdata.org/glossary
- HDX echo/secure infrastructure planning call / next steps
- Review/improvement of all HDX email communications started(ongoing)
- Preparation and testing to move to AWS
- Overview of Data Grid page released
- Covid-19 Pandemic page released
- OICT security audit submitted
- QA officers started using the QA dashboard
- Covid-19 viz for humanitarian locations released (Mar 26)
- Guidance note #3 & #4 released - Feb 3
- Phase 1 of ECHO project deployed - file store moved to AWS and being tested
- design of Data Grid Overview page in progress (to be added under quicklinks)
- Data Grid available for 21 locations (7 additional locations added - )
- Investigating how to track downloads of pdf like guidance notes files uploaded to Centre
- Code freeze - upgraded to latest Angular - not complete
- Improve nosetests and test coverage
- Investigating better PII algorithm - maybe Google DLP
- HXL Proxy handover - first issue and new release
- FAQ updates
- OICT security audit in progress - to be submitted end of March
- 14 Data grid available for Palestine, Sudan, Somalia, Philippines, Yemen, Colombia, Afghanistan, Chad, Venezuela, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Myanmar, Mozambique - process documentation) - uganda and indonesia removed
- Data grid report released on 1/23 https://centre.humdata.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/StateofData2020.pdf
- Ongoing work for Echo dashboard available on feature- for sysadmins to test
- Responsive search result/data list page - design handed over to dev.
- Quarterly HDX stats sent to org admins - 1/23
- 'Administrative divisions' added as filter under "Featured"
- file type/updated dataset date added to metadata (previously displayed on dataset page/data list page but wasn't displayed in metadata)
- Google Analytics code added again to hxl site (12/6)
- End of year HDX stats campaign to start on 12/16
- Freshness UI(dashboard) launched for data maintainers - Filters, sorting, notification added
- Echo workflow/dashboard dev in progress
- Data grid report (targeted to donors) started
- Data grid layout changed from 4 columnsx2rows > 3 columnsx2rows
- AIDR viz completed + presented
- Education in emergencies page launched
- Tag suggestion added to contribute/edit flow
- (internal) sysadmin notification reached 0 (of all pending request for memberships/HDX connect)
- Quickcharts - average function support in charts / New options for timeseries: date format & Show all dates (max 13)
- deployed OCHA's humanitarian icons - as part of ongoing effort for common design language across OCHA properties
- Data grid – expanded by default
- Freshness UI(dashboard) to launch
- Echo workflow + design to be done
- Tag suggestion(for upload flow) to launch
- Centre site - WP user cleanup. 3 users to remain as admin.
- 15th country to be added to data grid (Palestine, Uganda, Sudan, Indonesia, Somalia, Philippines, Yemen, Colombia, Afghanistan, Chad, Venezuela, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Myanmar - process documentation)
- Education in emergencies page to launch + quick link to be added
- AIDR viz being developed
- quarterly hdx stats sent to org admins (Oct 17)
- Freshness UI(dashboard) on feature- for review
- Notification(HDX connect dataset requests + new membership requests) went live
- ECHO design work started
- Tag cleanup went live (down to 360+ controlled tags from 4600+ free tags)
- (internal) sysadmin cleanup work → 30 sysadmins planned to be 10.
- new HXL site launched
- Tag assist - Excel plugin - v1 made
- (internal) signed up for Hotjar (paid account)
- Freshness UI(dashboard/notification) dev started
- Tag cleanup - debugging related issues
- Ongoing Freshness UI(dashboard/notification) discussion + design
- ECHO project - Dan to take over
- Ongoing Tag cleanup work
- (internal) Ongoing sysadmin cleanup work/special permission for managing request data dashboard/homepage carousel//COD dashboard/Crisis+event dashboard
- Ongoing Google lighthouse metric work - performance/accessibility score improved (aria tag implemented)
- CKAN upgrade to 2.8 tested + planned for deploy
- Responsive layout for dataset page on feature-
- Responsive design for search result/data list page being prepared (small internal survey done to determine priorities)
- Call to actions on dataset pages to have a slight delay (ie. edit/delete/etc expands on hover - the hover was too abrupt)
- API highway is available on test- for datasets with CSV/JSON for Yemen
- FAQ update planned
- HXL proxy handover being planned
- Google lighthouse metrics work started(incl. responsive, fast-loading, accessibility, etc)
- Showcase items without datasets removed (around 600)
- Data Grid publicly announced + blog went out
- Accessibility improvement discussion was held for HDX/Centre site
- Quarterly dataset download stats sent to org admins (apr 3)
- Freshness update (index in solr the last modified field)
- We have data grid for 14 countries (Uganda, Sudan, Indonesia, Somalia, Philippines, Yemen, Colombia, Afghanistan, Chad, Venezuela, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Myanmar - process documentation)
- CKAN upgrade to 2.8 work started
- quickDash beta tested internally + with limited partners - future plans to be discussed
- Google SEO work started for centre + HDX
- Tabular view on dataset page (mixpanel set for counting clicks on tabs)
- FAQ March updates with new walk-through slides for HDX Connect + updated Data Check slides
- removed map explorer (turned those datasets to private + removed showcase/gallery item + from suggested search + removed dataviz links from centre dataviz page)
- Call to actions on dataset pages minimized (ie. edit/delete/etc expands on hover - we were getting tight in the space)
- HDX Connect request email (that is sent to the maintainer) now displays requester’s email domain (for sneak preview)
- improved usability of data check on dataset pages
- Improved compatibility for old quick charts that failed to load for some orgs (ie. acled, unhcr)
- Data Check is available on HDX for resources that has HXL tags (https://data.humdata.org/search?ext_hxl=1&q=&ext_page_size=25)
- New HXL Proxy release in prod: https://twitter.com/david_megginson/status/1091028092963954688 (The major new feature is the ability to add calculated values to rows (something members of the data team and outside users have requested several times): https://github.com/HXLStandard/hxl-proxy/wiki/Row-formulas)
- deployed and enabled the features required for highly available HDX ckan stack. Through HA we are able to run multiple, distinct full ckan stacks on the same server or on different servers.
- Data Completeness(Data Grid) is available for Uganda, Sudan, Indonesia, Somalia, Philippines, Yemen, Colombia, Afghanistan, Chad, Venezuela (10 locations)
- HDX homepage updated with higher visibility for HDX connect (and OCHA header/footer) + HDX Tools homepage updated
- Data Completeness(Data Grid) is available for Sudan(https://data.humdata.org/group/sdn), Indonesia(https://data.humdata.org/group/idn) and Philippines (https://data.humdata.org/group/phl)
- A year in review email sent to org admins + HDX traffic data added to HDX: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/hdx-usage-statistics
- HDX has added green leaf icons to datasets to indicate whether the dataset is being maintained
- Deployed OCHA's common header/footer on https://data.humdata.org/ & https://tools.humdata.org/
- HDX got 8000 datasets
- Dev team deployed a new version of CKAN (1.22.0) on https://data.humdata.org - supporting multiple vizualizations on dataset page, data freshness green leaf on /dataset or /search pages, FAQ updates