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Provide location, reference, thematic or operational map. On demand maps are produced based on requests.
IM Input/Task
Generate/produce maps
Focal Point
As required.
Distribution, e-mail, print, MailChimp, Reliefweb
HCT, Cluster member agencies, IMOs, Government, I/NGOs, Donors, CSOs, HQ
Data Sources
Clusters, HCT members and organizations, partners, government agencies, COD, CSOs and private institutions.
Naming Convention for Maps and Information Products
OCHA Field Map names are made of four parts separated by an underscore:
The catalogue number, if in use (a good practice for catalogue numbers is to have a three letter code for the country office and a sequential number)
A short map name (e.g. somalia_3w)
The paper size (A4, A3, A0, etc)
The date of publication in YYYYMMDD format.
Proposed reading:
How to report 3W data for in-kind assistance, service delivery, cash and vouchers
OCHA’s 3W Purpose, Target Audience, Scope & Products
3W data entry template:
3W Template with Cash and HXL (April 2019)
Examples of other 3W data entry formats:
3W Operational Presence (3W:OP) Excel Tool by OCHA Regional Office West and Central Africa
3W One Card Template by OCHA Philippines
3W Tool Horizontal Scales by OCHA Philippines
3W Reporting Instruction Template
Examples of 3W products
3W maps and infographics on humanitarianresponse
Global 3W
Global Humanitarian Operational Presence Who, What, Where (3W) Portal
GLOBAL 3W DASHBOARD A guide for country and regional offices