HNO presents a comprehensive analysis of the overall situation and associated needs. It builds and expands upon the needs analysis chapter of the former CAP document, consisting of a discrete step in the implementation of the programme cycle. Its development is a shared responsibility among all humanitarian actors, requiring strong collaboration between programme and information management staff as well as support from the OCHA country office and the inter-cluster coordination mechanism.
Work on the HNO should begin 6-8 months before the document is due as there are many dependencies:
COD-AB and COD-PS: with sex and age-disaggregated to lowest possible level, at a minimum, are agreed upon, clean, and sharable
Download and read all guidance documents as soon as they become available.
Contact the Programme Support Branch in Geneva to identify a focal point that can help you prepare for and plan especially if this is the first time you have been involved in an HNO.
Discuss the previous years HNO with cluster and OCHA colleagues. Ask what could be improved.
If not already done request a staff meeting on HNO to determine timeline and responsibilities.
Prepare an OCHA or IMU work plan for the HNO with clear deadlines and responsibilities.
Needed data is identified and acquired (note this can take an extraordinary amount of time - plan for it!)
Produced twice a year to support the HCT in developing a shared understanding of the impact and evolution of a crisis and to inform response planning.
Ideally, the OCHA office should have a timeline or work plan for the entire HPC with clear deadlines and responsibilities.