An effective humanitarian response largely depends on accurate assessments. They are the basis for needs based strategic planning and subsequently getting the right things to the right place in a timely manner. Many agencies collect, process and analyses data separately. Read more>>
Upcoming Change
In the first half of March 2021, OCHA will be technically separating Assessment Registry component from the HumanitarianResponse.info platform. With the launch of the new Assessment Registry service, OCHA will move the storage of assessment information into a dedicated service. This new service will be used to power assessment sections of other sites - like HumanitarianResponse.info.
After the launch, assessments will be added directly into the Assessment Registry and be, with automated blocks, shown on HR.info.
The separation will allow OCHA to better focus its support as well as more easily apply improvements to each of these platforms. New import and export functions are already being built.
The below graphic highlights the change of assessment additions for HR.info editors.
For general questions reach out Andrej Verity verity@un.org
Questions about the new Assessment Registry, please contact assessments@hpc.tools
Questions specifically about HR.info, please contact the support team info@humanitarianresponse.info