This page will provide links to IM reference material, guidance, standards, templates, and examples of products and services related to COVID-19 preparedness and response activities. It is intended for OCHA IMOs but other humanitarian may find helpful resources. The page is a living document and will be updated as new information becomes available. Please leave a comment below if you have additional information, comments, suggestions for this page.
Humanitarian Icons for COVID-19
The Design & Multimedia Unit (DMU), with contributions from ROAP and the Yemen operation, has released COVID-19 specific icons. They are part of the wider humanitarian icon set that was released in 2018.
The new icons include symbols for COVID-19, lockdown, social distancing, infection prevention, testing, infected and case management. There are currently available in AI, SVG and PNG formats. In the AI file, the new icons are under the sections Health and Lockdown.
Offices are encouraged to provide a box on the front page with related COVID-19 guidance material from national responders (e.g. National government, etc.) and global experts (WHO, etc) and if relevant a page dedicated to COVID-19 activities in your country. Templates for both these services are provided in the link below and examples are also available.
The 3W product(s) that will be required for COVID-19 is different than any other humanitarian response to date. The types identified to date include:
COVID-19 3W Regional: Identifies the preparedness and response activities taking place in non-OHCA countries. It is based on the 8 Pillars for COVID-19 from WHO. Geographic framework is typically the COD-AB P-Code but in for ROWCA it is based on health zones. This data is currently placed on dashboards from OCHA regional offices.
COVID-19 3W Country: Identifies the preparedness and response activities taking place in non-OHCA countries. It is based on the 8 Pillars for COVID-19 from WHO and related related activities.
Normal 4/5W: monitoring of HRP activities for countries that currently have an HRP. To be collected in the country from humanitarian partners
Disruption 3W: Identifies of impact COVID-19 has on current HRP activities. It is the same as the 4/5W with an additional column to identify if the activity has been minimally, moderately, severely or not impacted by COVID-19 for countries that have an HRP. A column could also be introduced to identify what caused the disruption (e.g. access blocked due to lockdown where beneficiaries are located, lack of supplies, etc).
Logistics Cluster main page for all information related to logistics
Health Geolab Collaborative This page has been created to allow practitioners across the region to find resources related to the management and use of geospatial data and technologies during the response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
COVID-19 GIS Hub: from Esri is designed to gather and share relevant and authoritative community-driven resources from around the world. Read more.
Worldwide travel restrictions dashboard (Mobile version) Th main data source is the IATA website, but apparently, it is not updated very frequently so it is supplemented with info coming from other media. If you notice that some of the information displayed is out to date, do not hesitate to let WFP know (andrea.amparore at
Considerations: with existing HRP, WHO Platform etc....