Internal testing draft plan below:
A list of HDX features for periodic test:
*testing to be done on feature- . Please check with yumi/dan prior to testing to make sure feature- is in mirrored state as production.
- Add and edit data
- Add a private dataset with 3 resources under HDX Org
- (Login as HDX org admin account) Go to "Add Data" and create a private dataset (alternatively access "Add data" from HDX org page under the logo)
- Upload 3 resources
- Fill out the mandatory fields (red starred marked fields)
- Publish the private dataset
- Logout from your admin/editor account. Try to find the private dataset under HDX org (it should not be visible to non-HDX org member). Login as either HDX org member or admin and try to find the private dataset you created(it should be visible)
- Edit private dataset
- Go to the private dataset page you created and click on "Edit"
- Change details of a resource
- Add 2 more resources and delete one of the old resources
- Switch the privacy setting from "Private" to "Public" and fill out all mandatory fields
- Publish
- Check errors on dataset page
- Repeat a and b for public datasets
- HDX Connect
- (Login with your HDX org admin account) Go to "Add Data" and add a (temp) HDX connect dataset. Fill out all required fields (*) and publish.
- (Logout from your HDX admin account) Find the HDX Connect
- Add data flow (A. with local file + B. remote resource + C. try adding external data viz)
- Edit data flow (A. overwrite old resource with new B. change resource from external URL <> local resource)
- Contact contributor/group message (either to everyone, all admin, all editors)
- New account registration + request to join + request a new organization
- Data
- dataset you created and(if you're not logged in - it should ask you to login. Login as HDX org editor or member) request access from "Data" view on main nav as well as from
- (HDX Connect) dataset page. Make 2 requests (1 you will approve, 2 you will decline as a maintainer).
- Check in mailhog - make sure you received the 2 requests with messages you had entered. (if the test was not performed on production - these emails are caught in mailhog and actually not sent. so check the mailhog inbox + click on link to request page)
- Login again as a HDX admin + approve one of the requests (with attachment - use dummy xls or csv) and decline the other request.
- Check in mailhog (one should be approved with attachment and the other should be declined).
- Finally, delete the HDX connect dataset. Check on "Data" view on main nav to confirm it's deleted.
- Send "Contact the contributor" and "group message" (choose from: to everyone, all admin, all editors)
- (without logging in) Send a message to contributor from any dataset page. Do the same task while logged in (from any account) and make sure your email is pre-populated. Check in mailhog
- (Login as HDX org admin) Send a group message from any HDX dataset page. You can pick from all/all admins/all editors. Check in mailhog
- Send a question via "contact us" in FAQ page
- New user registration
- New signup
- Sign up as a new user using a new email address
- Make sure you receive email to "verify your email address"
- Click on the URL in the email to complete the registration (create user name, password, fill out your name etc)
- Follow different subjects - location, topic etc
- Request membership to request to join the existing organization or request to create a new organization
- Check the membership request email in mailhog
- Logout and Login again(using account you just created) - check that you're directed to Dashboard when you login
- Approve new member as org admin
- (Login as HDX admin) Go to HDX org page > "Members" tab. (or if you're continuing test from a - you can access the member's tab from the email link in step vi)
- "Approve" the request and assign a role (admin/editor/member)
- New signup
- Org admin tasks
- Membership management - Invite a new user to join org
- (Login as HDX admin) Go to HDX org page.
- Invite/add a new member from the 'members' tab. If the invited user is already signed up on HDX, the full name should appear as a dropdown option(by either entering the email address or full name) + should be immediately added as a chosen role(please refresh the page to check).
If the invited user doesn't have account on HDX - she/he should receive an email to change password. - Check in mailhog for 2 emails, 1 addressed to all members of the org that someone is added, 2 to the invited user to inform their account was created and need to update the password.
- Membership management - delete a member in the organization
- Membership management - assign different role to a member in the organization
- Data maintainer -
- Membership management - Invite a new user to join org
- Sysadmin tasks
- Make a dashboard /event page + edit existing dashboard/event page
- Add/Change carousel item on homepage
- Go to (this URL may change in the coming weeks due to changes in security for sysadmin)
- Add a carousel item > publish > check on homepage for changes
- Delete a carousel item > publish > check on homepage
- Edit a carousel item > publish > check on homepage
- HDX Connect dashboard (only sysadmin can see)
- Data Check (A. validate a local file + remote resource on Tools + B. validate a hxl-tagged resource on HDX)
- Quick Charts (A. test making quick charts on Tools + B. After testing 2(add data with hxlated data), turn on
- Make a dashboard/event page / Edit existing dashboard/event page
- Add/Change carousel item on homepage Add a new member from org page 'members' tab
Note: if you experienced any bug/issue, make a Jira ticket and tag Yumi/Dan.
Week of / Features tested | Add and edit data | Send "Contact the contributor" and "group message | Send a question via "contact us" in FAQ page |
New user registration | Membership management | Sysadmin tasks | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |||||
(example) Week of 1/1/2019 | x (no issue) | x (Jira link) | x (no issue) | ||||||||||
Week of 6/10/2019 | |||||||||||||
Volunteer testing draft plan below
HDX runs on the open-source CKAN platform, and we are upgrading our version from 2.3 to 2.63 and adding a new feature, requestable datasets. As of today, the new version is ready on the feature server.
We’d like your support in testing this upgraded version on the feature server. The main goal is to confirm that the new version behaves the same way as the old one, and to identify any issues or problems.
A full list of testing scenarios is below. Feel free to choose any of them.
**Be sure to test on the feature server, not on the actual HDX site.Please use this template to record any issue you experience.**
All testing to be done at this url:
User registration
Sign up as a new user
Request membership to a testing organization
Check user dashboard
Change your password and account details
Check members page
Check your role inside organization
Contact the other members from organization by sending a group message
Submit the Contact contributor form
If the data uses the HXL standard, then HDX can automatically create customizable graphs and key figures to help you highlight the most important aspects of your dataset. This is called a "HXL Preview." For a HXL Preview to be generated, your dataset needs:
Python HDX Library [for Python programmers]
Test the HDX Ckan with the new site, trying as many different API calls and edge cases as you can think of.
Map Explorer [desktop full page version]
Same actions as in above.