Lead Account Manager: Carmelle Terborgh cterborgh@esri.com
Solutions Engineer: Adam Pfister apfister@esri.com
Training Consultant: Andrew Sharer asharer@esriBrad Kozisek bkozisek@esri.com
Sales AssociateHumanitarian Solutions: Cody Main cmain@esriOlivier Cottray ocottray@esri.com
Disaster Response Program
In an emergency response, FIS can also request a three-month emergency license provided by the ESRI Disaster Response Program.
This emergency license is typically requested for incoming Stand-by Partners for OCHA Offices.
Be sure to share your favorites with others in the Community of Practice (OCHA IM Teams) or with your IM Network.
ArcGIS Desktop License Levels (Do you need Basic, Standard, or Advanced)