With a general increasing increasing trend in the number of APIs and a general systematizing going on in the humanitarian community, could HDX serve as an aggregator/standardizer/hxlator for other humanitarian data sources? Will HXL need to become a bit more restrictive in order to take advantage of the systematizing that is happening?
IATI collaboration (David)
Work on the official collaboration among the Centre, Development Initiatives, and FTS, including helping to hire and direct a new team member. Also work with the HXL TAG and DFID on ideas about surfacing general IATI data on HDX, and converting it to a HXL-tagged spreadsheet format. May even include adding native IATI support to the Proxy, so that Quick Charts (etc) can just use it.
HXL standard (David, supported by CJ, Simon, and Mike)
Get the announcements for HXL 1.1 beta out by the end of Jan, and manage the process to finalising 1.1. Start work on the next HXL standard release, including discussions about focus and possible governance changes.
HXL partner outreach (David, supported by Data Partnerships and Data Systems teams)
Reach out directly to potential HXL standards partners. Try to have more orgs committing to HXL by end of quarter.
HXL infrastructure (David, supported by Simon and Mike)
Continue to harden improve the HXL software infrastructure underlying front-end implementations like Quick Charts. Also evaluate and possibly integrate alternative tools like Frictionless Data.
HXL communications (David, supported by Becky and Elizabeth)
HXL blog posts, tutorials, and other communications materials. Also support anyone presenting HXL at an event or teaching it in a workshop.