Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Suggested comment language for a partial fit:

  • The dataset Dataset contains data about A but does not include the expected information about B.
  • The dataset Dataset appears to contain information about A but the units are not clear from the field name or metadata.
  • The dataset Dataset contains data about all active clusters except Protection.


Suggested comment language for a partial fit:

  • The data Dataset does not appear to cover all admin X units and is therefore assumed to be incomplete.
  • Some "no data" values occur, but the meaning of these values not defined in the metadata.
  • It is not clear from metadata if this dataset attempts comprehensive coverage and is therefore assumed to be incomplete. 
  • This dataset Dataset is not considered complete by its contributor.
  • OpenStreetMap data relies on user contributions and may not be comprehensive for all areas.  Dataset does not always contain information about practicability of a road.

Are location references explicit in the resource or joinable to an available location reference that also appears in the data grid?


Suggested comment language for a partial fit:

  • The data Dataset contains references to admin level X, however not all rows successfully join to the available dataset for that admin level. 
  • The data Dataset contains the names of individual locations, but no corresponding dataset defining those locations is available.


If most of the data for the country uses admin level 3, but the dataset in question is only disaggregated to admin level 1, the dataset can be included as "incomplete" with a comment.

Editing the YAML File

Style Notes

  • If only one comment, do not end it with a period.  But if more than one, end each sentence with a period.
  • At the beginning of a sentence say "Dataset . . . "  not "The dataset . . ."  for brevity.