What is the Humanitarian Profile-COD?
The Humanitarian Profile Common Operational Dataset (COD-HP) is a dataset that seeks to account for, on an ongoing basis, the number of people having humanitarian needs arising from a given emergency. In other words, it is the “caseload figures”, or a count of the number of affected people in an emergency.
Why is it important?
It can provide information that can facilitate humanitarian planning and needs assessment.
It is required throughout the HPC and is used in many OCHA products
When is the HP developed and how does it evolve over the course of response?
The Humanitarian Profile COD is unique among the common operational datasets because of the dynamic nature of its data and the way its composition may vary according to the operational context and priorities of a particular group.
The numbers identified in the COD-HP
INCLUDE IMAGES OF response timeline and HP milestones (sudden on-set)
Who is involved in the development of the COD-HP?
Humanitarian Coordination (HC): The HC approves and is responsible to address political concerns regarding the Humanitarian Profile.
The first discussions on choosing an appropriate method of estimation, or doing the actual computation of the population figures, normally take place on a technical level between technical experts, specialized agency staff, and Information Managers. It should include and engage the Cluster Coordinators and the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group, where final figures will be validated. An ultimate endorsement is then given by the Humanitarian Country Team.
Include visual from UNFPA presentation
What OCHA products use numbers from the COD-HP?
The Humanitarian Profile COD plays a crucial role into the development of products like the Humanitarian Snapshot, the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO), Humanitarian Bulletin, and much more.
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