Humanitarian Country Team (HCT): Approves the Humanitarian Profile
Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG): The ICCG facilitates the process of establishing humanitarian population figures, by 1) Defining the humanitarian profile which bests represents the country context by choosing the appropriate categories, 2) Proposing a methodical approach to estimating population figures, 3) Seek implementation of the agreed approach(es), and 4) Review and update population figures, including their definitions and approaches, as humanitarian needs evolve or access to crisis-affected areas increases, and as new information becomes available
Information Management Working Group (IMWG): The IMWG 1) chooses Humanitarian Profile categories, 2) establishes geographical references, 3) endorses methods of estimation, and 4) promotes a standardized use of Humanitarian Profile. OCHAAt the onset of an emergency response in a country with existing humanitarian presence, the HCT or cluster lead working group should task the IM Network to 1) choose the humanitarian profile classes that are appropriate to the emergency and adjust definitions if needed, 2) establish geographical reference by deciding which administrative levels or another geographic reference (populated places, IDP camps, etc) will be used to disaggregate the humanitarian profile values, c) endorse methods for estimating humanitarian profile values, and d) actively promote the standard use of the Humanitarian Profile COD across all humanitarian actors
The first discussions on choosing an appropriate method of estimation, or doing the actual computation of the population figures, normally take place on a technical level between technical experts, specialized agency staff, and Information Managers. It should include and engage the Cluster Coordinators and the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group, where final figures will be validated. An ultimate endorsement is then given by the Humanitarian Country Team.