Dear Volunteer,
HDX runs on the open-source CKAN platform, and we are upgrading our version from 2.3 to 2.63 and adding a new feature, requestable datasets. As of today, the new version is ready on the feature server.
We’d like your support in testing this upgraded version on the feature server. The main goal is to confirm that the new version behaves the same way as the old one, and to identify any issues or problems.
A full list of testing scenarios is below. Feel free to choose any of them.
**Be sure to test on the feature server, not on the actual HDX site.Please use this template to record any issue you experience.**
All testing to be done at this url:
User registration
Sign up as a new user
Request membership to a testing organization
Check user dashboard
Change your password and account details
Check members page
Check your role inside organization
Contact the other members from organization by sending a group message
Submit the Contact contributor form
Create a private dataset with 3 resources
create a private dataset
upload 3 resources
fill only the mandatory fields (red star marked fields)
save dataset
Edit private dataset
edit the previously created dataset
change details of a resource
add 2 more resources
change from private to public dataset
try to save
check errors
fill all the mandatory fields
save dataset
Edit private dataset
edit the previously created dataset
remove 2 resources
add 1 new resources
save dataset
Edit private dataset
edit the previous created dataset
change to public dataset
fill all the mandatory fields
add 3 different type of resources
save dataset
Repeat all steps for public datasets
Requestable Datasets
Please click on the link to see tests for requestable datasets.
Check locations landing page
Check active location page
Check inactive location page
If the data uses the HXL standard, then HDX can automatically create customizable graphs and key figures to help you highlight the most important aspects of your dataset. This is called a "HXL Preview." For a HXL Preview to be generated, your dataset needs:
Python HDX Library [for Python programmers]
Test the HDX Ckan with the new site, trying as many different API calls and edge cases as you can think of.
Map Explorer [desktop full page version]
Same actions as in above.