OCHA has many web platforms (probably too many!) Below is a simple guide highlighting the PRIMARY audience and PRIMARY purpose of the sites managed by OCHA on behalf of the humanitarian community and a few that are specifically for OCHA staff.
MS word document with all sites, March 2018 (if you update this please share!)
Audience: Field level
Purpose: operational level document and information sharing, includes draft documents, contact lists, meeting schedules, maps, data, assessment registry, clusters specific pages
Audience: Headquarters level
Purpose: High level overview of field operations with links to latest products, maps and infographics, key figures, funding status.
RedHum - Red de informacion humantaria
Audience: Field level
Purpose: ofrece información actualizada diariamente, de fuentes oficiales, promoviendo el intercambio de información con actores del mismo sector de trabajo contribuyendo a la toma de decisiones en la gestión de desastres
Virtual OSOCC - on-site operations coordination centre
Audience: UNDAC and first responders
Purpose: Information exchange and coordination of bilateral assistance in the early phase after major disasters.
Audience: Field and Headquarters
Purpose: a global, objective and transparent tool for understanding the risk of humanitarian crises. A collaboration of the IASC Task Team for Preparedness and Resilience and the European Commission.
HDX - humanitarian data exchange
Audience: field and technical headquarters
Purpose: an open platform for sharing data related to a humanitarian response
H.id - humanitarian ID
Audience: field level
Purpose: for contact management and as a single sign-in for many humanitarian response related platforms
Site with link
Audience: text
Purpose: text
Humanitarian Programme Cycle Tools
RPM - Response planning and monitoring
Audience: field level response organizations
Purpose: a module of the HPC tools that facilitates the HPC planning process by collecting periodic monitoring information.
DEEP - Data exploration and extraction platform
Audience: field level and technical HQ
Purpose: a tool to collect and analyze secondary data from various publications such as websites and PDF reports.
OPS - on-line planning/project system
Audience: field level responders
Purpose: For organizations in a humanitarian crisis to coordinate their implementation responsibilities and peer-review their funding requests
FTS - Financial tracking service
Audience: field and HQ
Purpose: a centralized source of curated, continuously updated, fully downloadable data and information on humanitarian funding flows.
CERF - Central emergency response fund
Audience: field and HQ
Purpose: is a humanitarian fund to promote early action and response to reduce loss of life, enhance response to time-critical requirements, and strengthen core elements of humanitarian response in underfunded crises
Internal to OCHA Staff (un.org email address with login credentials)
Audience: OCHA staff
Purpose: Site for all internal OCHA documents and staff sites (UMOJA, Inspira, LMS)
Audience: OCHA staff
Purpose: E-performance, work plan, mid-year and end of year reviews
OCT - contributions tracking systems
Audience: OCHA staff
Purpose: OCT tracks all contributions received from donors to OCHA's annual extra-budget as well as all contributions to 'Specially Designated Contributions'