The main purpose of a basic 3W is to show the operational presence by sector and location within an emergency. At this basic level, the 3W Operational Presence (3W:OP) can help identify potential partners, give a very rough understanding of an ongoing response, and superficially identify potential overlaps or gaps in response.
When paired with other data, the 3W:OP produces specialized 3W products which can be used by responders to ask more informed questions, to feed into analysis of a response, and to identify a variety of overlaps/gaps such as need versus response and need versus funding.
Although a simple classification, there are two types of 3W product consumers: 1) in-country responders and 2) global/headquarter based humanitarians. Distinguishing between the two is critical as in-country responders are usually looking for quick, detailed products to help make decisions whereas global audiences tend to be looking for more general and well-styled products.
The 3W could be considered a monitoring tool as it tracks progress in the implementation of the response. It is thus part of the Implementation and Monitoring phase of the HPC Cycle.
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In contexts where clusters/sectors are active, an agreement will be reached (in the IMWG if there is one) on a 3W template that includes standard vocabulary (admin data, activities, etc), and a reporting schedule. In other contexts, the coordinating entity will approach individual organizations directly.
The clusters/sectors are responsible for their own more detailed 3Ws whereas OCHA is responsible for collecting the common information among the clusters to create the inter-cluster emergency 3W products.
Clusters/sectors will either expand the inter-cluster 3W template to include the intra-
cluster additional details or extract data from their own template into the inter-cluster template before sharing the clean & p-coded data with OCHA.
OCHA then generates inter-cluster/sector products at national and, if applicable, at sub-national level.
Examples of presentations of the 3W
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Text should include: Essential Reading, Additional Readings, Templates. Examples, Tutorials
Proposed reading:
3W data entry template:
Examples of other 3W data entry formats:
- 3W Operational Presence (3W:OP) Excel Tool by OCHA Regional Office West and Central Africa
- 3W One Card Template by OCHA Philippines
- 3W Tool Horizontal Scales by OCHA Philippines
- 3W Reporting Instruction Template
Examples of 3W products: