- Account Manager: Carmelle Terborgh (cterborgh at esri.com) main person to contact if you have questions about purchasing or maintenance of software.
- Solutions Engineer: Adam Pfister (apfister at esri.com)
- Training Consultant: Andrew Sharer (asharer at esri.com)
- Sales Associate: Cody Main (cmain at esri.com)
You can also get support from:
- MyEsri
- Access and manage your licenses
How To: Recover lost licenses from My Esri (when the computer unaccessible)
How To: Perform online deauthorization of licenses for ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Engine (when the computer is accessible)
- Download software
- Check your training records
- Log technical support cases
- etc
- Access and manage your licenses
- Esri Maintenance program
- to make sure that you are using all the benefits of your maintenance
Common Problems and Solutions
How To: Recover lost licenses from My Esri (when the computer unaccessible)
How To: Perform online deauthorization of licenses for ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Engine (when the computer is accessible)
- How to: Install ArcGIS on your computer
Procure ArcGIS
To procure an ArcGIS product/service, a country office would typically fill in a requisition form with the help of local administrative office (see sample form). If unsure of what is needed contact the ESRI focal points (see above) to discuss the office needs.