This process is concerned with how we come up with a pool of ideas, analyse them and then divide them into a set of JIRA issues that will form the start of the development process to take them to implementation. It involves the filtering of the pool based on some measure or intuition of realism and the breakdown of what's left into clearly defined tasks.
A more formal time in which to develop ideas is the monthly call. This will be used for brainstorming and without being too prescriptive, will broadly follow the SCAMPER and Six Hats of Critical Thinking methods to come up with ideas, develop suggestions for taking forwards those ideas and narrow down to solutions. SCAMPER is a bag of useful approaches to identify suggested courses of action. SCAMPER stands for: (S) substitute, (C) combine, (A) adapt, (M) modify, (P) put to another use, (E) eliminate and (R) reverse. Six Hats encourages looking at suggestions from different angles, represented by a hat colour.
Coming up with New Ideas
We think about which suggestions are replacements for each other and consider further substitutes of or within suggestionsour system and/or process, considering what can be replaced:
- What part of the suggestion can be substituted without affecting the whole project?
- Who or what can be substituted without affecting the suggestion?
- Can we replace the suggestion with simpler one?